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Environmental Health and Safety

Revised: January 22, 2020

Laboratory Safety Training


Background and Purpose

This training is required every two years for all personnel who work in laboratories. It provides laboratory safety fundamentals, and shall be augmented by lab-specific training that addresses hazards specific to the lab. Note that the Biological Safety Training module has been eliminated and that module has been incorporated into this training.

Principal Investigators should contact the Laboratory Safety Officer shortly after reporting onboard so that an initial laboratory safety inspection can be completed using the checklist contained in the Laboratory Inspection Program.

When a Principal Investigator leaves the Health Sciences Center they must follow the Lab Closeout Policy so that “vacated research space is thoroughly cleaned and prepared for reassignment to another investigator or unit.”

Housekeeping and Fire Safety

good housekeeping  poor housekeeping


Fire Safety

Chemical Safety

Hazardous Communication (Hazcom)

The Hazardous Communications Program ensures that the hazards of all chemicals used at LSUHSC are evaluated and that information concerning their hazards is transmitted to all applicable personnel.

A key element of the program is the Safety Data Sheet (SDS), which are used to familiarize the user with a chemical's:

SDSs must be readily available, either in hard copy or on a computer hard drive as long as employees have immediate access without leaving the work area.
Ensure a backup is available for rapid access in case of a power outage.

Chemical Ordering, Storage, and Inventory

Chemical Incompatibilities

Peroxide Forming Chemicals

A wide variety of organic compounds can spontaneously form peroxides on exposure to air. Peroxides are sensitive to heat, friction, and shock.

Engineering Controls - Fume Hoods

Chemical Fume Hoods are an important tool used to minimize exposure.

Chemical Fume Hood

Prior to Using a Fume Hood

Chemical - Waste Disposal

Chemical - Spill Response

Biological Safety

Biohazards and Exposure

Biosafety is the application of combining laboratory practices, procedures, facilities, and safety equipment to protect human health and prevent release of biological materials into the environment.

A biohazard is an agent of biological origin that has the capacity to produce deleterious effects in humans, such as microorganisms, toxins and allergens derived from those microorganisms, or higher plants and animals.

Examples include:


Exposures are typically the result of needle sticks; accidental exposure to eyes, mouth and mucous membranes; bioaerosols; and spills.

Biological Materials Inventory and Storage

Maintain an inventory of all biological materials per the Biological Materials Inventory and Control Policy.

As a minimum, you must update the inventory review statements using the On Site program at least every 12 months. Personnel who ship biological materials must complete the Shipping Biological Materials Training or equivalent dangerous goods training every two years.

Risk Assessment

Work practices, use of containment equipment, PPE, training, etc. should be guided by a thorough risk assessment (RA).

A risk assessment ensures protection of personnel, the environment, the community and the integrity of your experiments.

PIs are responsible for conducting the RA and should include the RA in lab-specific training and biosafety manuals.

Biosafety manual

Risk assessment guidance can be found in the CDC BMBL 5th Ed.

RAs are comprised of four steps:

  1. Identification of health hazard
  2. Quantification of the hazard
  3. Exposure assessment
  4. The probability of disease

And should include consideration of:

rDNA Diagram


All rDNA used on campus is considered a biohazard. Experiments involving rDNA require specific biological barriers.

Barriers should limit (i) the infectivity of a vector or vehicle – plasmid or virus – for specific hosts, (ii) its dissemination and survival in the environment.

Newer-generation vectors are designed to decrease the probability of dissemination of rDNA outside of the lab and are preferred.

rDNA should be a part of the comprehensive risk assessment described in IBC documentation for your lab, taking into account source, vector, polypeptide or gene product, etc.

Biological Safety Biosafety Levels (BSLs) Work Practices

BSL determination should be informed by risk assessment which is based on the risk group (RG) of the microorganisms present in the lab.

---> Infectious Microorganisms by Risk Group (Increasing Risk) --->
Low individual risk (non-infectious to healthy adults) Low risk to community Moderate individual risk (Not generally severe, treatment usually available) Low risk to community High individual risk (Treatment may or may not be available) Low risk to community Severe individual risk (Treatment often not available) High risk to community
E. Coli lab strains (e.g., DH5a, K12), Mice, Rats, Rabbits Human cells, fluids, tissues, NHP cells, fluids, tissues, Lentiviral vectors, Rhesus Macaques, Toxins with an LD50 >100 ng/mg, Animals infected with BSL2 agents M. tuberculosis, West Nile virus, Francisella tularensis, Yellow fever virus, Monkeypox virus, Animals infected with BSL3 agents Ebola virus, Lassa virus, Marburg virus, Animals infected with BSL4 agents

PPE recommendation and guidance are available for each BSL

---> Biosafety Level Precautions (Increasing Risk) --->
Lab coats, gowns, etc., Eye protection, Latex or nitrile gloves Lab coats, gowns, etc., Eye protection, Latex or nitrile gloves, Change when contaminated, Double glove when necessary, Remove gloves and wash hands after working, Do not re-use gloves All manipulations performed inside a BSC, Full protective clothing that must not leave the lab, Eye protection, Latex or nitrile gloves, BSL-3 work practices, Appropriate respiratory protection All PPE indicated up to and including BSL-3 Positive-pressure suit, Special facility engineering features

A risk assessment pertinent to your lab and your work should yield PPE and work practice directives specific to your workplace.

BSL 1 Facility

(Click or tap image for expanded view)

BSL-1 Facility Design

BSL-1 Work practices

BSL 2 Facility

(Click or tap image for expanded view)

BSL-2 Facility Design

All BSL-1 requirements, plus:

BSL-2 Work Practices

All BSL-1 practices, plus:

Hand Washing

Hand Washing

Disinfection #1  Disinfection #2 



Autoclave Decontamination

Liquid #1  Liquid #2  Liquid #3 

Safe Handling of Liquids

Liquid biohazard materials (cultures, blood or body fluids) must be placed in a container with a lid to prevent leaks and spills during collection, handling, processing, storage, transport and shipping.

Aqueous solution #1  Aqueous solution #2 

Aqueous biological materials such as blood, cell cultures or microbial cultures must be either:

Biological Safety Equipment

Biological Safety Cabinet

Biological Safety Cabinet

Biological Safety Cabinets (BSC) are an important tool used to control bioaerosols and minimize exposure.

Biological Safety Cabinet Airflow Diagram
Safe Operation of BSC before use Certificate

Safe Operation of BSCs – before use

Disinfect BSC Turn on UV light

Safe Operation of BSCs – after use

Using BSCs with Radiation or Chemicals

Working with Radiation

Working with Chemicals

More information can be found at the Standard Operating Procedure for the Safe Operation of Biological Safety Cabinets and NIH YouTube video.

Laminar Flow Hood

Laminar Flow Hood


Safe Operation of Centrifuges

Biological Safety - Waste Disposal, Spill Response and Biosecurity

Waste Disposal

Biohazardous waste includes the following general categories:

Never place chemicals, chemical bottles, radioactive materials, or other trash in biowaste containers.

Glass Disposal

Cardboard Box Cardboard box Unacceptable Glass Disposal

Sharps Disposal



To be used for:

Do not place sharps directly into the biological waste box. Place sealed sharps containers in a biological waste box.


When box is ¾ full or reaches 25 lbs. close and tie liner, securely close lid, label with PI name and room number and place in hallway for pickup.

Spills and Potential Exposures

Report all incidents involving potential exposure to rDNA to the Biological Safety Officer immediately. If the spill occurs after hours notify University Police. Depending on the type of incident and the level of exposure, notification of the NIH may be required within 24 hours of the incident.

Response to spills depends on:

If you need assistance to safely clean the spill then contact University Police at 568-8999. University Police will then contact Environmental Health and Safety to respond or see the Biological and rDNA Spill Response Procedures for more information.

Biohazard Authorized Personnel Only Sign

Laboratory Security

In order to ensure the security of potentially harmful biological materials:

Radiation and Laser Safety

Approval for Use of Radiation Sources

Prior to beginning work with any radiation source, the PI must submit the Radiochemical Use Application Form to the Radiation Safety Committee for approval. Furthermore, personnel must complete Radiation Safety Training available from the Radiation Safety Officer (RSO).

Therefore, if you intend on using radiation sources, please contact the RSO to schedule training.

For additional information see the LSUHSC Radiation Safety Committee Charter.

Approval for Use of Lasers

Prior to beginning work with any category 3b or 4 laser, lasers must be registered with the Radiation Safety Officer.

Additionally, “on-line” Laser Safety training must be completed.

Therefore, if you intend on using class 3b or 4 lasers, please contact the RSO.

For additional information see the LSUHSC Laser Safety webpage.

Personal Protective Equipment

Do not wear shorts or any clothing that exposes any skin other than arms or face.

Do wear the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for the situation:

Provide proper storage of all PPE.

See the Laboratory Attire and PPE and Personal Protective Equipment policy web pages for more information.

Lab Coat Gown

Lab Coats and Gowns

Lab coats or disposable gowns should be worn over street clothes any time you handle hazardous materials.

The type of covering necessary and the frequency of changing is specific to your work and should be indicated in lab-specific training.

Lab coats and gowns must never be worn outside of the work area.

See the Lab Coat Use, Selection and Cleaning web page for more information.

Eye Protection Face Protection

Eye and Face Protection

Wear protective eyewear when conducting procedures that have the potential to create splashes of microorganisms or other hazardous materials.

People who wear contact lenses should also wear eye protection.

At BSL2 and above, eye and face protection must be used for anticipated splashes and sprays of infectious materials when the microorganism is handled outside of a biosafety cabinet or other containment device.

Surgical Mask Respirator Respirators

Respiratory Protection

Respirators must be worn when there is potential exposure to contaminants such as bioaerosols, dry chemicals and airborne particulates.

Surgical masks do not provide respiratory protection.

If you need an N95, full- or half-face N100, PAPR, or any other kind of fitted respirator, contact EH&S for a fit test.

Fit testing requires a medical evaluation.

See the LSUHSC Respiratory Protection Program for more information.

Latex Gloves Nitrile Gloves


The type of glove (material) used is dependent upon the chemical being handled.

When using corrosive or toxic chemicals the gloves should be long enough to protect the forearm.

Long gloves can be cuffed at the bottom to help prevent chemicals from running down the arm.

Proper glove selection information can be accessed online at

Gloves Goggles Face Shield

Goggles and Face Shields

Splash goggles must be worn whenever lab workers are using liquid chemicals that could injure the eyes, including heated liquids.

Face shields must be worn in conjunction with splash goggles if lab workers are using chemicals that could splash and corrode or burn the face, or when using toxic chemicals that could be splashed and absorbed through the skin.

Improper Storage of PPE

PPE Storage

Personal protective equipment should be stored in a manner that protects the equipment from:

Emergency Eyewashes and Showers Compressed Gasses and Cryogenics

Eye wash station Emergency Shower

Emergency Eyewashes and Showers

Eyewash and shower stations must be accessible to lab personnel that are using chemicals that could injure the eyes/skin.

If equipment or supplies are located too close to this safety equipment, you may not be able to freely access the shower or eyewash. Furthermore, the equipment could become damaged during use or testing. For more information see the Emergency Eyewash and Shower Policy.

Compressed Gas Cylinders

Gas Cylinders

See the Compressed Gas Cylinder Policy for more information.

Liquid Nitrogen/Cryogenic

nitrogen cylinder

More Information and Points of Contact

Further information on these and all LSUHSC Environmental Health and Safety programs can be found at the EH&S web site.

If you have questions on this training please contact Environmental Health and Safety at 568-6585 or